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Privacy policy

Sweet-flora is committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. The following describes how Sweet-flora treats the personal data of personal data subjects, as well as Sweet-flora's policy in the field of personal data. If you have any questions regarding privacy, please contact us. If you do not agree with this policy or with any of its points listed below, please refuse Sweet-flora services

1. Collection of personal data

1.1. If the personal data subject provides personal data to Sweet-flora, Sweet-flora uses it solely for the purposes for which it was provided to Sweet-flora and which were indicated at the time the personal data was collected (or as was clear from the context).

1.2. Sweet-flora collects only those personal data (for example, sender's name, recipient's address, telephone numbers, sender's email address, etc.) that were specifically and voluntarily provided by the subject of personal data.

1.3. Sweet-flora is limited to collecting the minimum amount of information that is necessary for the correct and high-quality execution of the client’s order. In any case where non-mandatory information is requested, the data subject will be informed at the time of collection of such information by appropriate designations.

1.4. All online payments presented on the site are made on a secure page of the payment service used. Sweet-flora transmits the following information to the payment service to process the payment for the order: order number and amount to be paid. Sweet-flora may receive the following information from payment services after the subject of personal data makes payment for Sweet-flora services on the page of the payment service he has chosen: transaction id, transaction amount, transaction status, transaction date and other technical information regarding this transaction. This information is obtained by the Sweet-flora website solely for the purpose of automating and speeding up the processing of the placed order. Any information transmitted by the payment service of the Sweet-flora website is transmitted using SSL encryption using strong cryptography.

1.5. In addition to personal data knowingly provided by data subjects, Sweet-flora automatically collects certain types of information when users visit the Sweet-flora website and when emails are exchanged between Sweet-flora and data subjects. These automated technologies may include the use of “cookies” and web server logs to collect IP addresses, visitors’ operating system, browser type and other technical information. Collecting this information allows Sweet-flora to better understand and improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of the Sweet-flora website, and to measure the effectiveness of its marketing efforts.

1.5.1. Site visitor statistics may be used by third parties to conduct advertising campaign analysis and other types of statistical analysis. This statistical information about website visitors does not contain personally identifiable information: names, physical addresses, telephone numbers, etc., with the exception of IP addresses.

1.6. All positive reviews, comments and complaints about the work of Sweet-flora left on the Sweet-flora website in specially designated places, along with the names of the authors of these reviews, are publicly available information, can be viewed by any visitor to the Sweet-flora website and can be used for advertising Sweet-flora.

2. Security and storage of personal data

2.1. Sweet-flora uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.

2.2. Sweet-flora guarantees the safety and confidentiality of any personal data subject information received by Sweet-flora during the process of placing and fulfilling an order. This guarantee does not apply to cases of unlawful acquisition of personal data subject information located in Sweet-flora by third parties; in these cases, Sweet-flora declines responsibility.

2.3. Sweet-flora provides access to information and personal data only to authorized employees and contractors who have agreed to keep such information and data confidential.

2.4. Sweet-flora does not transfer personal data to third parties, except in cases where such transfer is required by law, at the request of the subject of personal data, or in other cases set out in this section. Sweet-flora understands that personal information is valuable and takes all reasonable measures to protect personal information in Sweet-flora's possession.

2.5. Any information transmitted by the subject of personal data to the Sweet-flora website is transmitted using SSL encryption using strong cryptography.

2.6. Sweet-flora disclaims any responsibility if the passwords to access the subject's account